What we do
EDBKA is run by its members, with people participating in the management of the apiary and our work in the community. This work is coordinated by our committee.
East Dorset Beekeepers Association supports its members in a number of ways:
- by organising training whatever the level of experience,
- organising a programme of indoor meetings in the winter (either in person or on Zoom)
- practical demonstrations at our apiary in the open season
- providing a platform where beekeepers can meet to discuss, ask questions and follow up their common interest (through Facebook and WhatsApp)

EDBKA is affiliated to the British Beekeepers Association and Dorset County Beekeepers Association. As a Full Member of EDBKA you will be allocated a BBKA membership number and receive their monthly magazine, Dorset BKA’s Honeycraft and our own quarterly newsletter.
We have an apiary at West Moors where we carry out training and demonstrations and where members will have every opportunity to learn or finetune their bee-handling and hive management.
Members have access to our six-week training course. These classroom sessions are followed by practical bee handling workshops at our apiary. We have a dedicated WhatsApp group for beginners.
The Association possess two honey extractors which members can borrow for a modest charge to enable them to extract their honey crop.